Have more questions about Sous-Vide Cooking?
Ask our Chef Enrique Fleischmann

A user asked the following question: Can we insert the bag with the food in the vacuum before the water has reached the desired temperature? This […]
Read moreWe received the following question in our Ask the Chef section. “Hello, Chef. How can I cook Tropea onions with vacuum cooking to make them crispy?” […]
Read moreA user asked us the following question in the Ask the Chef section. “Is it possible to make broths and stocks with vacuum packaging?” This is how […]
Read moreWe have received the following question in the Ask the Chef section. “My question is about the differences in Temperatures and Time between the tables, recipes, forums, books, […]
Read moreA user asked us the following question. “I would like to learn what is the entire process for blast-chilling without a blast chiller and the temperatures and time I […]
Read moreIn our Ask the Chef section, we received the following question: “Hello, chef, I wanted to know the time and temperature for a large beef snout, […]
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